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Barn Swallows

A momentary obsession

Barn Swallows

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This is another image from my NXNW trip to Grand Teton National Park and our stop at Mormon Row.

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While shooting that morning I noticed all these birds fluttering around the gables of the buildings. And I was fascinated. I tried at a couple of the buildings to get an interesting composition with them in the frame, but looking on my LCD, I wasn’t happy with any of them. I had almost given up, but a group shot gave me another chance.

We had agreed to meet at one of the other buildings on the far end of the Row before departing — one of the less-famous barns. When I got there found that a family of these barn swallows called that barn home, so I camped out beneath their nest and framed up this shot.

These birds are fast. I think I fired the shutter a hundred times, obsessed with getting a compelling composition.

I think I succeeded. You be the judge.