
or maybe ‘going with the flow’?


In 2017 I tortured myself for 365 consecutive days by taking on the equally celebrated and maligned “365 Day Challenge.” It is a simple challenge that requires you to capture and share a new quality image each day for 365 consecutive days.


Except it isn’t that simple. There are days where you don’t want to look at your camera. There are days where you can’t ‘see’. And there are days where you just forget you took on the challenge until late at night and wind up searching the house for something interesting to capture and post. But those bad days are forgotten when you capture something you really like — which brings me to ‘Immovable,’ one of that challenges highlight images.

This was taken on a day when I thought I was ‘seeing’ well and really wanted to get out to shoot. I kept my kit simple, challenging myself to use only one prime lens (Olympus 25mm, f1.2). I went to Lawrence, MA, my muse, looking for an image.

There is an interesting and not very picturesque part of the city where the railroad bridge and vehicle traffic bridge coexists just feet from each other. Looking down from the vehicle bridge I was struck by the water surging around the immovable pylon of the railroad bridge.

Hope you like it.


Wilson Mesa


Sandwich Range