King Harvest has surely come
Some of you might get the reference
After the corn harvest,, Vermont
The house showed no signs of occupancy. In fact, several of the windows appeared to be without panes of glass. The barn also looked to have no signs of life. And the truck in the upper left of the frame was partially imbedded in that pile of dirt. So it appeared to us that the farm was abandoned. The freshly harvested autumn corn, however, told another story.
One time, while I was exploring the back roads of central Nevada, I came across a ranch that appeared to be completely abandoned. The ranch house was empty, the out buildings (barn, stable, slaughterhouse, etc.) were falling down. Yet there were fresh cow pies throughout the property. I later discovered that family cattle ranch had been acquired by a conglomerate a couple of decades prior to my visit. Their cattle was free to roam the property (now an extension of the new owner’s land) while the early 20th century buildings slowly returned to nature.
I don’t know if that was the case with this particular Vermont farm, but it is fun to speculate.
What ever the story is, I was probably trespassing. But I think it was worth the risk for this image.
Click on the image for a better view.
1/60 sec
ISO 200
8mm (16mm)