Red Hawk
The Late Great
Red Hawk, Sweet Hill Farm
This is a photo of Red Hawk. Red Hawk was a draft horse at a nearby farm owned by friends of mine. When they first purchased the farm about seven years ago, I loaned my services photographing the farm for some of their marketing materials. That’s when I grabbed this image.
Getting this took a little bit of patience. When I saw Red Hawk peering out of his stable, he was in this pose — looking to his left with his head framed by the green door. It was a fleeting pose, but it was striking. I knew it would make a good image. So I framed up the shot and waited for him pose. After what seemed like an eternity, he complied.
Sadly, a few months after this modeling session, Red Hawk suffered an apparent heart attack. He is buried somewhere on on the farm property.
RIP, Red Hawk. And thank you.
Click on the image for a better view.
1/200 sec
ISO 200
25mm (50mm)