Stone Mill Alcove

And a New Year’s Resolution

Stone Mill, Lawrence, MA

This is the alcove of the Stone Mill attic, facing west. Above is one of the panorama crops, captured on my last few visits back in 2021. With seven really tall (and drafty) windows lining three sides, this is (or was) the brightest area on the top floor of the building. Below is a shot through one of the north facing windows.

These, along with some previous posts (here and here), are part of a series on the iconic Stone Mill in Lawrence, which has since been converted to a residential property. I’ll be rolling out more images from this series on my blog and will compile them into their own gallery on this site. Not sure yet which will be completed first: the blog posts or the gallery. Either way, you will eventually see them all in both places.


On another note, some news: When I rebooted this blog a couple of years ago (after abandoning my old Wordpress site), I was was well aware that I would be essentially trashing a decade of images and blog posts. I embraced the opportunity to republish those images (at least the good ones) with new perspective on them and maybe even re-visit the processing of some. But I’ve fallen down on that effort, often going several weeks without posting an image. That ends starting today.

My 2025 New Year’s resolution is to do a blog post, with at least one image, each day in 2025. The images will be a combination of new and old. The new images will previously unpublished images from the past couple of years or newly captured images in 2025. The old will be … well … old. Expect to see more from my work in Lawrence and my travels with the NXNW crew.

I’m looking forward to rebuilding my blog presence and building up this new site. Hope you’re with me!


Clock Tower View


Stone Mill Dawn