Another Magical Morning

…seven years later

Thacher Island in Sea Smoke, Rockport, MA

Last week I posted an image from this location taken in 2016 in record low temperatures. Well, on Saturday, February 4, that record was broken (at least in parts of New England), so I decided once again to brave the arctic temps and try to capture some magical sea smoke.

The location was, once again, Rockport, MA and the general Cape Ann area. We started at Rockport Harbor, which was poor planning on our part (I blame myself). The tide was low, showing a very thin mist of smoke. The real action was out on the open ocean, so we drove looking for subjects in a more open area.

One of our stops was Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester. It has a great view of Thacher Island’s twin lights in the distance, which I thought would make a good anchor for a minimalist shot with the sea smoke.

I was not disappointed.


Thanks for stopping by!


Barn and Silos


Morning from Dead Horse Point